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Building Community with America Josh and Meggie Palmer from PepTalkHer

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  • 30 min read

Community! It's a concept we all know and find familiar yet something that often seems foreign and difficult to grasp. What exactly is a community? What makes a good community? Why is community so important (especially right now)? And how do you build a good community?

You all make America Josh a fantastic community, so I spoke to Meggie from PepTalkHer about what we've got!

P.S. You should read Meggie's article about her Top 5 Negotiating Tips for Equal Pay Day, it's a ripper. You can also see more of these amazing #PowerPepTalk sessions on YouTube or follow PepTalkHer on Instagram!

[00:00:00] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:00:00] Those of you who are joining us on Instagram live and on the zoom live who don't know Josh. Josh, do you want to just give us like the tweet size cliff notes of like who are you and what on earth is this American Josh thing?

[00:00:13] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:00:13] Sure. So I am America Josh. I moved to New York three years ago and when I got here I realized that there was nothing really set up in the way of structured information.

[00:00:25] For people that have just arrived in the city or arrived in the U S and I thought, wouldn't it be handy if there was something out there that had all the information that basically people on Facebook groups are asking over and over again? Wouldn't it be handy if there was something, but. Brought it all into one spot.

[00:00:42] And you've got , you have a community around that. and suddenly America, Josh was formed. It was, to be completely honest, a bit of a side hustle. And as you know, in New York, you know, everyone's got three different jobs and they're doing 10 different things. So exactly. So. This was mine. and [00:01:00] I, yeah.

[00:01:00] Realized quickly that there were lots of people that were going through the same thing that I was going through and asking the same questions and started writing blogs. Then started sort of collaborating with different groups in different companies and different people to try and get all that information in one spot.

[00:01:14] And yeah, it's turned into a community of, right now, about three and a half thousand people are all across the United States, started in New York. So I'm in New York, obviously it's centered there, but it started to really expand to. Down the coast and across to the West coast, and it's now a community and a website that all sort of feeds into a, a site full of tips, tricks, stories, and it's trying to soften the blow when you land basically.

[00:01:39] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:01:39] Very cool. So what am I going to be chatting about today? We've got about 15 minutes together this morning and I want everyone to feel free on Instagram and on zoom as well as send through your questions. What we thought we'd focus on today is really community building and how do you build a community?

[00:01:53] So Josh moves to America, didn't really know anyone, how's he built that up to three and a half thousand people at pep talk her. We've got [00:02:00] about 35,000 women globally now in the community, I think it is. And like, so we're just going to talk a little bit about like. How did we build that community? How did that happen?

[00:02:08] How do you maintain community? Because I feel like right now with everything going on, it's really interesting that like obviously the economy is in a lot of trouble, but it's, it's interesting that people are craving community and connection right now, right? I think as we all that kind of fear. around the economy where all, we're all turning to two communities.

[00:02:27] So Josh, like for people who are sitting at home who are maybe feeling a little bit isolated, given the current Corrado situation, like, what would you say to those people is like the key tip to building community when you move cities, move countries when you may be isolated at home, like what's something tangible that people can do, to help build community.

[00:02:48] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:02:48] So I, I think it's honest. I mean, being honest is a really important part of it. I don't mean you can pretend about the community that you're from and the community that you're trying to build. May being an expat going [00:03:00] to the U S I could build around exactly what I was doing. And I think, you know, as you said, especially in this time, you want to find that little niche of something that's just like you in a biggest situation.

[00:03:11] So if for me it's. People that have moved over in the greater us. That's kind of my niche and I, I think it's, yeah, communicating a lot. It's making sure that you've got, you know, an honest portrayal of the information that you know, and you've researched it and you, you aren't just simply there trying to sell a particular thing or you aren't trying to.

[00:03:31] Navigate everyone down one particular path. You're accommodating and you're welcoming and inviting. I think all of those elements, you know, especially in a time like now where people are freaking out, they were uncertain about what's going on outside and they want some comfort. They want to be able to trust someone.

[00:03:48] I think that's the biggest thing they that. Not looking for any particular sort of piece of advice. They're just looking for someone they can trust and someone that can look to in a time of good times and say, what a great [00:04:00] recommendation for a restaurant, Josh. But then in the bad times, they can be like, you know, I, in my case, you know, coronavirus is impacting people legally.

[00:04:06] So they're wondering, you know, they've got crucial questions that are fundamental to their, the future, their lives. and I think that's when I can look to you and trust you on the same level. So it doesn't really matter about the content. Right? It's the, the trust and the confidence. And

[00:04:19] why do you think, like why, what is it about community?

[00:04:22] It's funny cause if we think about like humans and where we've evolved from, if you, if that's the, the, the premise that you believe, like, why do you think community is so important for us and why at the moment in this time of uncertainty, why are we all kind of calling everyone who we haven't spoken to for 10 years?

[00:04:38] And like. If you go on Instagram right now, like for everyone who's joined as well, like at the top, it's just like everyone's going live, right? Like everyone's sharing, everyone's connecting. I would imagine Instagram and Facebook have probably had, you know, their biggest spike in use

[00:04:51] in the last few weeks.

[00:04:53] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:04:53] So like, what is it about community that you think is so important and why are we as humans craving it so much right now? [00:05:00] Yeah,

[00:05:02] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:05:02] I mean, I think you're exactly right. I think we're all looking for something that's familiar, and I think when everything else gets scary, everything else gets, you know. Extra uncertain, extra unfamiliar.

[00:05:13] You're looking for the one little thing that you can narrow down on sort of borrowing on that and say, this is me. This is my core. You know, for a lot of people that do travel, again, I'll use examples that are relevant to my community, but the people that have come here, they do have the familiarity of their hometown.

[00:05:30] They've got the familiarity of the country, that sort of identity that they're. You know, really they, they narrowed down on in a time where they don't know what else to look for. So they find that bit and they say, you know, I've got this little morsel that I can, at least I know that I'm confident of that.

[00:05:46] I'm not sure about the rest of the world. I'm not sure about the economy. I'm not sure about where my job might be. I'm not sure about anything else outside, but at least I've got that. And I think that's what we're saying is, you know, the engagement on Facebook groups [00:06:00] for, for us at the moment is. Growing outrageously fast because people are asking, you know, every hour of every day there's a few different questions that are popping up and people are going, Oh my God, what does this mean to me?

[00:06:11] And you can talk to that community that knows your background because they've all lived it before. They're all part of that same kind of collective, that same community. So I think all of those little moving paces start to make it feel like you need to reach out. You need some community to talk to. Okay, yeah.

[00:06:27] Suddenly you've got a nice space.

[00:06:30] Yeah, and it's really she, I mean, not my, my background before I started PIP talker, I was a journalist and I think what being a journalist really taught me was like the power's story. And I think that it's similar, and correct me if I'm wrong, Josh, but certainly for us at Petrova, one way we've been building a community, it's really been about story.

[00:06:47] And I think you touched on this earlier, like the vulnerability and authenticity of H H and everyone's individual story, right? Like everyone joining us now on the zoom lap, everyone on the Instagram live. Everyone right now has a [00:07:00] story that's different. It's different fuels. Joshua is like, no one can replicate that, right?

[00:07:04] Nothing. Nothing. No one in the world is going to have to sign stories. And what we've found at tech talker is that, actually sharing your experiences is really powerful for other people. And that was kind of weird for me to start with because I was like, Oh, but doesn't everyone like, isn't this just what everyone goes through and what I do?

[00:07:21] It's funny, like I think. You don't know what you like. You're so in your own world that you forget that actually other people may be going through the same thing. Maybe you would really benefit from you telling that story or sharing that nugget of wisdom or that thing that you think is very normal.

[00:07:38] Like I know Josh, for example, in America, Josh, Josh is like a visa nut. So if you've got a visa question. He's, you got right. So you probably think that that's really normal, but for me, I'm shocking at that stuff. Right? And so it's so valuable for me, for you to share that Intel for me, I get a lot of value out of that.

[00:07:54] And that makes me want to be a part of your community. Right. Because I know similar to, you know, back in [00:08:00] the olden days when, you know, humans used to sit around a campfire, it's kind of the same thing. The same thing, right? I, I see community as like a campfire and I think, The fashion designer, Karen Walker.

[00:08:11]we both spoke at a Vogue event maybe 12 months ago now, and she uses that analogy of like community, social media. It's a campfire, right? Like you're there to Shea. You're not there to dictate, you're not there to yell, you're not there to sell. You're there to share. Change informations. And I just love that.

[00:08:27] Yeah, no, no, I think it's exactly right. I think that collaborative nature, and I think for me, when you talk about those stories and say how important they are, I completely agree. And I think the one thing that I've really learned quite quickly is that vulnerability is a big part of the story that I tell.

[00:08:45]because people, nobody wants to be vulnerable. You know, I'm 32 year old. A 33 year old who moved over. You know, I'm confident, I know what I'm doing, I know the world. And I got to New York and my story is that I didn't know how to order a sandwich at a bodega. And [00:09:00] it's, it's one of the most ridiculous stories ever, and it sounds outrageous, but you walk into a bodega.

[00:09:05] So for those of you who haven't been to New York corner store, deli kind of sandwich bar. I walked in and I sort of said, what do you want? And I'm standing there and thinking, I am a business owning, you know, I've, I've done things I've, you know, and I don't know how to order a sandwich and telling that story to people would immediately, their face would light up.

[00:09:24] I'd be like, Oh my God. I went to the mint. Like I was trying to catch the train and I, I couldn't work out how to do, I was a whole line of people formed behind me and I didn't know how to scan my ticket. Some, they're all different, but some sort of silly stories. But. People gravitate towards them. As he said, it's like being around the campfire.

[00:09:42] It's like sitting there and saying, you know, Oh my God, this thing happened today, or, you know, I had a terrible day, or I just want to talk through something. You're not necessarily looking for someone to fix it. You just want to get it off your chest. And I, I think. American. Josh has certainly built on the fact that this idea that [00:10:00] you're not going to be good at this.

[00:10:01] You can't move internationally and expect that you're going to land on your feet and just run. It's going to suck. Just, you know, a little bit of a, you know, you might like the bigger picture and on the whole it's going to go really well, but. There's going to be elements of it that you detest and you'll be sad, and you'll think, I'm no good at this.

[00:10:19] And having that community means that you can ask that question and say, Hey, has anyone leaps through this and not have to reinvent the wheel every single time? And the content that I'm writing is very much, you know, Oh, try to order a sandwich, get there and write the story of. How I ordered a sandwich.

[00:10:35] There was an article, it was like a third one I wrote on how to, how to bodega, I think it's called, which is all about like where do you even stop?

[00:10:46] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:10:46] There's no sign that says like you could order. You know what he asked me was, do you want that on a hero? And. A hero. Now, anyone that's lived in, I think it's only in New York even.

[00:10:59] That's a big [00:11:00] role, but that means absolutely nothing to, I'm thinking, you know, Spiderman, Superman, like, no, I'll just stick to brands like it, and it sounds ridiculous, but you look like you will. You feel like an idiot for a few seconds there and you realize you shouldn't have to feel like that. That's, you know, it's completely fair to be standing there and unknown in the unknown environment that you're in and say, I don't know.

[00:11:20] But this, I think that's where the community, you can say, I don't know, and you do feel comfortable because the other people in that community are probably in the same position and you start to feel like you've got a team mate. You've got someone beside you. And it's trying to reinforce that. It's trying to make sure that all those people around in that community are getting that support.

[00:11:38] Another thing. I mean, again, for people who are sitting at home now, the whole reason we started these deadly pep talks is because you know, everyone's looking for some way to connect and kind of learn and keep interested during these working from home quarantine times. I'm interested to also understand like the power of community to actually build your business then, right?

[00:11:56] Because so obviously America, Josh started out to kind of help [00:12:00] people very altruistic. Similarly to pep talk, like we're all about serving our community and creating a big impact. But what's interesting is that what's come from that, that sort of nugget of starting the community has actually led to what is now my full time business and the employees, you know, for us.

[00:12:15] So can you just talk about like when, when you're, when you grow a community and then you turn it into a business, like what are the benefits of having a strong community and then, you know, creating revenue essentially.

[00:12:27] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:12:27] Yeah, I think networking. I mean, we all know, I mean, we all kind of hate the word and we all hate the concept of like business networking and, but I think it is valuable.

[00:12:36] I, I moved from Adelaide, South Australia, so I moved from a relatively, very small city in the grand scheme of things to a very big city. And having that network and those referral network, for example, is  essential because there aren't that many people to choose from. You need to know who to trust. And when I got to New York, I thought it would all be based on merit.

[00:12:57] She'd be, you know, straight up and down what your [00:13:00] resume looks like basically. And that's how you get jobs. But it turns out it's not. It's the community that you've built. It's the networks. It's the people you can talk to. Because the inverse is true. It's, there are so many people in New York. That you don't know who to trust.

[00:13:14] So it's the exact same problem as you have in a small town or small city. As you know, in a big city. And I think once you build that community and you build that trust and people do see that you're vulnerable. So for me, business, has always been about telling people where my shortcomings are. So it's, we do a, B, C really well, really, really well.

[00:13:35] The day we don't do. And it, it shocked me cause when I got to New York, I, that's not the language that people use when they do business here. And it's not the sort of language people use very much in general. They don't say I have vulnerabilities. I don't say they aren't perfect. They say. You know, whatever you want, we'll take care of it.

[00:13:54] And I, I think we all know that can't be true. You can't be perfect at everything. And having [00:14:00] that community support, people that have seen when you aren't at your best or same you when you, you know, might be a little bit vulnerable or when you've got a problem, you can segue that into saying, now you're saying that you can trust me.

[00:14:10] You've seen, and it's genuine. You know, there's not, this is not some, you know, scam. They were January. Genuinely giving up that information. People can then say, well, how to now when we're talking about business or we're talking about some professional element, I'm willing to trust you. I'm willing to follow your recommendation.

[00:14:28] You know, people now, we'll follow, you know, if I say I recommend Maggie for something, they'll say, I trust Josh because based on, you know, the segue from the community that I was a part of, to now the business that I'm involved with, I'm willing to trust. And trust and trust and trust, and it keeps sort of flowing on like that.

[00:14:44] And I think that's something that only exists once you are part of something. And once you've been sort of in the good times, like I sort of said before with the coronavirus and everything that's going on at the moment, these are, the DACA dies, the hotter times. When you've had someone through the good times and it [00:15:00] was easy and you're still trusting them, now is the time he gets to rely on them and you can sort of call on those networks and call on those trusts.

[00:15:06] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:15:06] And it's so interesting that you bring up relationships during tough economic times. Sophie McKnight from the shed said a very similar thing when we were talking about the session the other day. WTF is going on in the markets right now. Like. How you treat people when times are tough in community. I think he's really important.

[00:15:21]but I like what you said as well, Josh, is that like when you're building a community, honesty and vulnerability is so powerful and I think people are willing to forgive a lot as well when you kind of share. There's shortcomings. I'm Brenae Brown's anyone who's watching anyone, a Brent, I've found fans send us an emoji or a comment on zoom.

[00:15:39] Like she talks a lot about this, right? Like the, the necessity in this day and age to kind of share really quiet, openly, right? And sometimes it's genuinely to do that.

[00:15:50] You know?

[00:15:51] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:15:51] No, I, I think it is. And I think we, we want, you know, it's the interview question. It's, you know, what aren't you good at? And we, we Google, we look up what [00:16:00] story to tell so that you look good.

[00:16:01] And sometimes what, I mean, it's always very easy to say when people have done that and having that genuine, you know, but having people around in a community means that I see it by nature of just being a part of it, as opposed to you having to be prompted and tell a story. And sometimes it's. Better that they've been a part of it and they've seen it moment for moment as it happens and then they can engage with you and it's, I like, I saw when that happened and I saw how you dealt with that problem and now I'm willing to trust you.

[00:16:28] I think it's, you know, it is really difficult to be vulnerable and in a market where it's going to get more difficult over the coming weeks and months. I think it's going to get. Even more difficult because you don't want to show that you are vulnerable. You don't want to show that you've got weaknesses.

[00:16:41] But I think there's great value in doing that because it does show people that you're not perfect. None of us are perfect. We're all struggling in some way. I'm having like, you know, I, I'm, I've got food here and I, I'm, I'm happy, but. There are issues always in the background, but I might be a little bit personally worried about, or you know, things that [00:17:00] I'm always thinking about.

[00:17:01] And I think having someone close to you, having a network around that, having a community around that and can highlight that without having to actively do so.

[00:17:08] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:17:08] Yeah, totally. if anyone has any questions, feel free since you're on Instagram live or in the zoom chat. We've got a couple of minutes left. I just wanted to talk quickly about.

[00:17:17] The, the fact that you can build community in your personal life and also in your business life. So I know, well, frankly, Josh, you and I haven't been in a community where we, we, we are always messaging online, but then we try and catch up once a month for lunch. So I suppose we have like a meeting community, the two of us, entrepreneurs in New York.

[00:17:34] But also, you know, and I've got, a group on Facebook with about eight other, women entrepreneurs and it's everything from like high five for that business deal. So you let me give you a hug. you know, you went to a bright cop, whatever it is. I think having that support network has been a God sense of ne on many occasions.

[00:17:50] And what I'm noticing at pep talk or is that a lot of clients that we're working with at the corporate level, they're also looking to build community to like. Telstra, like [00:18:00] very nutty and very specific. But then they're building community in New York around people in the telecom industry. And then like Salesforce, who's a big client of ours at pep talk or like they are building a very big community of women in sales, not with the intention of selling Salesforce products, but just with the intention of kind of like supporting.

[00:18:18] And building community around. Yeah, and it's, it's really interesting that it's not just like us as individuals, it's businesses as well that are looking to build those communities so that I can really help support it and pay it forward, which I find quite interesting.

[00:18:32] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:18:32] Yeah, and I think it's important. I think there is an element for it having to happen a little bit organically.

[00:18:38] I think that's something that I've seen. Some try to force it too much and they say, you know, effectively welcome to our family and you're all now just part of it. And that I don't think it works. I think it does need to happen that, you know, find something that already exists. Find that niche, find those groups and bringing more people into them and say, yeah.

[00:18:57] Yeah, we should say. [00:19:00]

[00:19:02]but I think it's important. I think you can't just say to someone like, , we're building a community. You're now our newest member, because that doesn't give anyone the sense that they're actually part of anything. If they self subscribe, if they're interested, because they see some value, they see a tangible something that they can get an answer from.

[00:19:20] I think that's when people start to gravitate towards it. And so if you, you know, if you find someone and find a small group that you can answer a question, or if you find a small group that all have something in common and facilitate that, that can grow community inside a bigger community and that, and it's not a bigger group.

[00:19:38] And I think slowly but surely businesses can do it really effectively. And then people do have the  know something's been bad at work or if they want to talk to someone, they do have the people in their community around them. To go to and to say help. I need some assistance.

[00:19:54] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:19:54] Yeah. Yeah. And we've had, we're having a couple of questions come through, you know, I totally agree with it.

[00:19:58] That has to be organic and account before [00:20:00] us. to Ozzy started a community called like minded bitches, drinking wine, excuse the language, but that's the name of the group. When I joined that group, I think three and a half, four years ago, there was maybe 3000 of us. I think there's now like 110,000 women globally.

[00:20:13] Who are in that community. So that's pretty extraordinary. and it goes to your point of, you know, it started organically and it started with a genuine purpose and kind of didn't feel forced, means just got a question here about whether she should enhance community that exists already or should she start a new one?

[00:20:29]which is a great question because there are a lot of Facebook groups out there. There's a lot of Instagram accounts, a lot of businesses I would say, I don't know about you, Josh, but I would say that like. Community takes time and you're not going to build 110,000 women or men or whoever it is in your community overnight, like that literally took them three or four years, and that's astronomical rats.

[00:20:47] So I would say that like, if you're in it for the long haul, go for it. but maybe start by enhancing another community and then if you feel that it's lacking, you could start your own. What do you think.

[00:20:56] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:20:56] Yeah. I completely agree. In my opinion. I think the enhancing and [00:21:00] working with other communities or adjacent networks and things is the, is the best way to do it.

[00:21:04] I've very much for American judge, I've very much been gone in with the idea that supporting the things that already exist and being, you know, complimentary to them is the best way. I'm not trying to takeover everything they do cause they've probably got a niche that is slightly. Different to what I'm looking at.

[00:21:22] And I think you can therefore be a part of it. I think you do genuinely need to be a part of it and you need to, contribute to it and enhance it. And then you might find that you've built a niche that is slightly different and you can then sort of say, well, hold on. I'm going to build on this element of what I've now built and grow it because you don't necessarily just start by walking and saying, you know, I don't think anyone really wants someone to walk in and say like.

[00:21:47] I've now got a crew, you know, join this group. That's it. I think people want to say, you know, who the hell are you? Like why should I trust you? And I think that comes from it hot saying and building on something that already exists.

[00:21:59] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:21:59] Love [00:22:00] that. Well, we've got two minutes left, so I thought we'd wrap up with that.

[00:22:02] Top three tips for building community. I'm going to rattle off a couple of mine, Josh, and then I'd love you to close it off for us. I reckon like the key thing is to have your own voice. To be really like clear in your tone of voice, because as I said, you are different to anyone else. and so I think just own that.

[00:22:19] Like that's what I think he's really cool. I think communicating and sometimes over-communicating stuff that you think is boring is often very interesting to your community. And the other thing that I would say is taking this idea of give, give, get. So like giving to your community, giving, giving and not expecting in return immediately.

[00:22:36] I think it's really important to kind of build that trust. what would you say.

[00:22:40] Josh Pugh (America Josh): [00:22:40] Yeah. I think, you know, realistically, I think it is finding that niche. I think it's bonding, you know, a particular group, but then offering. We're in a sort of a, a lot of time at the moment where I can Google something and get 45 million results.

[00:22:51] And I think some people are, a lot of people in, most people now just want to be told what is the answer? Like it might not be the only answer and I get that, but what [00:23:00] is your preferred. And giving someone a simple step by step of, you know, here's the way to answer that. That's number one. I think, yeah, honesty is important.

[00:23:09] I think that's really crucial and I think it's all right. In addition to that, it's being present to curate. I think there are lots of loud voices that you'll find when you're building community, and you'll find that some people are very quiet, but they are fantastic community members, and you need to be there to moderate and, and sort of

[00:23:24] Equivocate those two volumes and make sure that everyone on the community is being heard. and three, I've got a controversial one for my number three, because I think it's, don't always take criticism. So I, early on, you know, people would give me feedback and say, I didn't like ABC part of this dinner that I went to with you.

[00:23:42] Or. And where we sort of live in a world where you're meant to sort of do what customer's always right mentality. And I do think you need to listen to community members. Don't get me wrong, but I do think there are some times where you can say, no, I believe in this idea for this community. I believe that this is the right way to do it.

[00:23:59] And I [00:24:00] think. We have this tendency like when you're starting a small business, you want to take on all the work you possibly can. You might take on things that aren't quite right for you. I think it's the same for community. I think you might take on some people that aren't quite a. That aren't quite right for you, and it's okay to drop people from the community.

[00:24:16] And that sounds brutal, but I think it's okay to be, it's kind of okay to be like, you don't fit into my niche. And I think we want to be all inclusive. And I think you should absolutely try. Sometimes you'll have to say like, I don't think this is working, and it's, I still believe in my mission for my community, so.

[00:24:35] I think it's, yeah, you are allowed to be a little bit prize and a little bit confident about that. You've got a good idea and listen to others, but don't necessarily always bend to the will of everyone that contributes.

[00:24:45] Meggie Palmer (PepTalkHer): [00:24:45] Great advice. That's a really interesting point, actually. I think someone said to me that day, if you're doing it right, not everyone's going to lock you.

[00:24:51] And it's kind of a harsh thing to hear when you building a community hello to all the pep talk controls. We've got quite a few. and apparently that's the way, you know, you've made it when [00:25:00] people are trolling you. Leaving bad reviews on the stove. Probably that means you bet. Thank you for that. Yeah, no, really appreciate it.

[00:25:10] And thanks to everyone who's joining. If you've got any other questions you can, and then to us on Instagram will send us an email [email protected] and we will come back to you, virtually. But thanks for joining the daily pep talk and they're happening every day at the same time. 1520 minutes of interesting wisdom from interesting people.

[00:25:28] Thank you to America, Josh, for joining us today. It's been a pleasure and we will be back tomorrow chatting all I think. Over to, I think tomorrow is changed if I'm successful, and he's a total legend and she's going to kick your ass into goal setting in the time of Corona. So get excited about that. And we're looking forward to seeing you then.

[00:25:49] Thanks,

[00:25:49] Josh. Thank you very much. Bye. Bye.

Josh Pugh

Josh Pugh

Josh is a business founding, digital marketing focused, charity driving, community builder from South Australia, living in New York City. After moving in 2017, Josh realized that there was an opportunity to curate and help the community of expats who moved to the United States – and launched America Josh. Josh is also the President of Variety – the Children's Charity of New York, Secretary at The Mateship Foundation, and Founder & CEO at Fortnight Digital.View Author posts

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