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Australia’s COVID Response: Quarantine, Caps & Stress

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I've had a lot of wonderful people get in touch with me to ask what we can do as a collective to help those who are having trouble getting to Australia right now with the COVID-related travel caps and issues with flights. I've also read a lot about bad (and good) stays in hotel quarantine, but haven't found one central repository of information. I want to change that.

America Josh has always been about bringing together different information from around the world and housing it in one place. I work my hardest to research topics in enough depth to make sure the facts I present are correct and consult a wide range of professionals when I need some help or think their direct guidance is best.

COVID has obviously made life difficult (or at least severely changed it) for everyone, and that is especially so right now for those trying to travel to Australia.

Australia's introduction of travel caps has meant that what used to be a relatively easy flight (albeit long) has become a cumbersome process that's impossible for some. The requirement for compulsory quarantine has also meant that those visiting Australia have little ability to individually direct the process for themselves.

The news and reports I am hearing from Australia sometimes portray those trying to come back in as people who should have returned earlier, or people who were simply holidaying temporarily and have now decided that they want the security of their home country.

However, the individuals and families who I have heard from directly have told a very different story. The majority of people I hear from are traveling to Australia not by choice, but due to financial, legal, or familial situations that take the control of this choice out of their hands. They don't want to be going through this either.

It's difficult though to quantify this without data, and that's what I want to change.

What am I doing about it?

To date, I have been helping individuals find the best information possible and connecting them with travel experts but I haven't done anything broader to get the message out there.

What I want to do now though is compile information, stories, and reviews, to build a broader understanding of the picture facing Australians and permanent Australian residents who are trying to return to Australia.

For those who have already returned, I want to build some data on hotel-stays, stories you've got, and to help get those stories out for those who want to explain their personal circumstances.

Ultimately I want real information in order for us to properly tell the story.

How can you be involved?

Everyone can be involved, even if you are not actively trying to travel to Australia.

I have built a form that will take about 5-10 minutes to fill in which runs through your personal situation and what you planned/were planning/have done.

If you have already traveled, then you can use this to share your story for others.
If you want to travel in the future, then you can use this to add your voice.
If you have been having trouble getting to Australia, you can use this to tell your story.

To get started, simply click the button below and you will be presented with a form to go through.

All information can remain anonymous (or you can provide me with a name at the end that you'd like to be known by).

What will I do with the data?

I will publish the information I collect anonymously and with that, we can start to build a picture to tell the true story of those who have traveled to Australia, and of those who are trying to get there but haven't been able to yet.

How you can help even more

Share this page, fill in the form, and we can gather as much information as possible!

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Josh Pugh

Josh Pugh

Josh is a business founding, digital marketing focused, charity driving, community builder from South Australia, living in New York City. After moving in 2017, Josh realized that there was an opportunity to curate and help the community of expats who moved to the United States – and launched America Josh. Josh is also the President of Variety – the Children's Charity of New York, Secretary at The Mateship Foundation, and Founder & CEO at Fortnight Digital.View Author posts

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