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New York City Bingo 2025 – How to know you’re a local

Every person I meet who lives in New York has a story about something they've seen or something they've done that makes them extra New York. So I thought I'd compile some of my favorites and let you play BINGO. Comment below if you got BINGO!

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How many of these New York bingo items can you tick off?

  1. Yelled at a car that was about to run you over (when you clearly had right of way and told them so)
  2. Ridden in a taxi (and confidently yelled your cross-street as you climb in after fighting someone else for it)
  3. Taken a photo of Manhattanhenge (without anyone noticing)
  4. Spotted a Celebrity at Balthazar’s (and been cool about it, just giving a polite head nod)
  5. Had a wine (or three) on a rooftop in summer (while sweating and insisting rosé is good for hydration)
  6. Had a snow day (and apologized to the Seamless guy while being handed food)
  7. Enjoyed bottomless brunch (from 1pm – and questioned its start time)
  8. Ridden the Staten Island Ferry (and then run around to catch the ferry back to Manhattan)
  9. Gone to Dinner with New Friends (and loved every moment)
  10. Made friends with your local bodega’s sandwich man (and had him realize you’re hungover)
  11. Explained to your friends back at home that it’s never the “Big Apple” (ever.)
  12. Had someone remember your “usual” order (and held a polite conversation about the weather)
  13. Eaten a meal during NYC Restaurant Week (at a place that actually serves entrée sized courses)
  14. Cursed the shortness of Spring and Fall (carrying a coat and sunscreen just in case)
  15. Fallen into a puddle that looked like nothing (and explored the underwater wonders of New York)
  16. Corrected someone’s pronunciation of “Houston” St. (and explained that you’re serious about this)
  17. Glared at a slow-walking tourist (and justified it to yourself because you know better than to walk 5 abreast)
  18. Drank a pickleback (and enjoyed it)
  19. Explained to a friend visiting that they should not stay near Times Square (and had them do it anyway)
  20. Know how to order from the local street-food vendor without looking (and convincing yourself to wait until you get home to eat)
  21. Gotten sick, then better, then immediately sick again (because you overdid it)
  22. Given directions to someone (and then realized as you walked away you were 100% wrong)
  23. Have a favorite pastry (from a very specific store at a specific time of day)
  24. Seen a comedian for $4 at a random comedy night (who turned out to be famous)
Josh Pugh

Josh Pugh

Josh is a business founding, digital marketing focused, charity driving, community builder from South Australia, living in New York City. After moving in 2017, Josh realized that there was an opportunity to curate and help the community of expats who moved to the United States – and launched America Josh. Josh is also the President of Variety – the Children's Charity of New York, Secretary at The Mateship Foundation, and Founder & CEO at Fortnight Digital.View Author posts

6 thoughts on “New York City Bingo 2025 – How to know you’re a local”

  1. 19 for me
    – “big Apple” convo with someone at home- don’t recall but it could’ve happened
    – I don’t have a favorite pastry
    – I was warned about the deceptive puddles when I first arrived & have managed to avoid said incident
    – gotten sick then better then sick again… probably but nothing specific jumps to mind

  2. Of the 24 listed, I’ve done 22, thus disappointing myself! 15 & 18 are a no. Though falling into a puddle is not something I need to do. And drinking a pickleback, no, but I drank pickle juice, is that close?
    What about “someone” exploring the train and subway tunnels and unused stations?

    1. Exploring sounds fun!! I bet that “someone” had a good time adventuring. Haha, yep the pickleback is not really high on my list either, but when in Rome (pickle juice alone will get you a pass, yep).

  3. – Yelled at a car that was about to run you over [Don’t do it in Queens, because they’ll circle back and ask what you yelled at them]
    – Spotted a Celebrity at Balthazar’s [not Balthazar’s, but I ALWAYS run into Sophie and Nick Jonas in
    – Soho and blush because I want to be their friend]
    – Had a wine (or three) on a rooftop in summer [Always, and always regret it because humidity sucks]
    – Had a snow day [Everyone in Williamsburg know that my roommate and I are from Australia because we would jump into the sidewalk snow piles that definitely had trash under them but risked it all given we had never seen that much snow before]
    – Ridden the Staten Island Ferry [Honestly if you don’t have a car, it feels like you’re walking up the hills in SF. Do not recommend]
    – Gone to Dinner with New Friends (and loved every moment) [TACOS]
    – Made friends with your local bodega’s sandwich man [He’s so proud of his hommade korean burger that no other bodega offers]
    – Explained to your friends back at home that it’s never the “Big Apple” (ever.) [Nieuw Yawk is acceptable]
    – Cursed the shortness of Spring and Fall (carrying a coat and sunscreen just in case) [Mozzies rocking up at the beginning of April because why not]
    – Corrected someone’s pronunciation of “Houston” St. (and explained that you’re serious about this)
    – Glared at a slow-walking tourist (and justified it to yourself because you know better than to walk 5 abreast) [When you work in midtown, you gotta]
    – Drank a pickleback (and enjoyed it) [Picklebacks in Australia taste better and I don’t know why]
    Given directions to someone (and then realized as you walked away you were 100% wrong) [Every. Day.]

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