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Travel & Flights Update: Caps, Government Support & Planning Ahead

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  • 16 min read

Every week we check-in with Travel Josh Engstrom, Travel Expert from Liberty Travel to get an update on flights between the United States and Australia, as well as hearing real-world information about what traveling looks like. This week we talk Caps, Government Support & Planning Ahead to make sure you get everything you need!

Information is changing regularly so be sure to check back each week for updates.

Weekly Travel Advice Chat with Travel Josh

In our weekly video series, I chat with Josh about everything you need to know for your upcoming travel plans.

This week we talk the Caps, Government Support & Planning Ahead to ensure that your travel is successful!

If you have a question that you'd like to ask for next week, click below and you can let us know!

Breaking News: American Airlines LAX – SYD to commence in November!

This is just the best news to find yesterday. More flights means it will be a tad easier to get home now!

Starting the 10th Nov – flights will depart Tues/Wed/Fri/Sun – BIZ/PREME/ECON available – email me to inquire/book (details below).

Australian Government looks to help more Aussies come home

They met – they talked – and sadly no changes!. It’s important we keep on telling our stories and making it clear that the current caps are terrible for the diaspora attempting to come home during the pandemic. Health/Wellbeing/Livelihoods/Bereavement are all on the line.

Important High Court constitution questions raised for caps on Q&A – take a look:

Need help financially getting home? Here’s what the gov. is currently doing to assist:

What does this mean for current Australian flight caps?

It’s looking more likely that current caps will remain in place until enough public backlash spurns the state and federal govt. to act. If this does not happen it is looking like caps could be in place in their current format until at least the end of October. Not great news for us.

Getting home in the next month is difficult but not impossible, you will need to book your flights at least a month in advance to avoid the $6000 tickets. My advice is to start planning at least 2 months before you fly – I know that that’s hard considering the everyday tragedy unraveling before us and constant changes to laws and travel regulations. But, with the increased flexibility airlines are offering, it’s better to have a seat you may have to change, rather than no seat at all.

  • Sydney – 350 arrivals per day
  • Perth – 525 arrivals per week
  • Brisbane – 500 arrivals per week
  • Adelaide – 500 arrivals per week
  • Canberra & Darwin – limits on each and flights discussed on a case-by-case basis
  • Hobart – no international flight
  • Melbourne – no international flight arrivals

Availability of flights over the next two weeks (3rd Oct – 17th Oct)

Economy seats are available with United on the 3rd Oct – as well as a good run of days that have decent pricing and availability. Please contact me to book.

Flights will continue to be drastically reduced due to caps on Arrivals

Australia has capped its inbound passenger numbers, this is going to impact getting into Australia and make a difficult process even more stressful and uncertain. The importance of booking with a travel agent showcased in these turbulent times.

Routes most likely to be affected: LAX – SYD; SFO – SYD – United have already come out and capped their westbound capacity to 50 pax per flight!

Where can you travel right now?

I get this question a lot and here are some options tailored to the US resident done by my work Liberty Travel – handy quick link to get started:

Should I book my Holiday/Christmas flights now?

We're already in September now! This year above all others I encourage anybody wanting to go home for the month of December to please start looking now. Decreased options, limited availability on those options, and general overall worldwide disruptions make it a perfect storm if you don’t act soon.

Hotel Quarantine

The Australian Government is charging travelers now for their quarantine.

*NB The process for checking your purchase date for tickets is done at the hotel, please contact me for assistance on how to best plan for this.

Updates from individual airlines

Big news coming out last week with the top 3 airlines all removing their domestic and short haul change fees. Great development.

Air New Zealand (NZ)

Have put a hold on a majority of its new bookings for flights to and from Australia until the current 24th October reassessment date (Sydney looks like their only option), this means that for new bookings – Air NZ is increasingly difficult

United (UA)

Still the most reliable route to Australia for New York-based expats – Still only from SFO – SYD – Availability is very tight for the coming weeks departure. If you urgently need to get home, this is your safest bet. If you can’t find seats let me know as I can waitlist seats as above.

United is expanding to also offer LAX – SYD flights, flights will operate Tuesdays and some Thursdays in Sept. It’s almost too late to book any reasonably priced economy seats for September – but as we move into October, it looks like United is ramping up its LAX – SYD route, offering daily flights and decent priced economy flights after the 9th of October.

Delta (DL)

DELTA Air Lines has resumed its Australian operations, WED/FRI & SUN. Currently – You will need to book at least 8 weeks out to get any economy seats – availability is extremely tight. Getting good feedback on this service, and the ones I’ve booked all got home safe and sound – let me know if you want help to book Delta flights.

Singapore Airlines (SQ)

Changi Airport is going to open its airport soon to non-Singapore Nationals, There doesn’t appear to be any connections from the US that don’t include overnight stop-overs in Singapore, making this not a very attractive option for people.

Virgin Australia (VA)

Now that it looks clearer that this airline will remain in the longer term, a media release from the two new stakeholders state that Virgin Australia will honor the more the $100 million worth of tickets canceled due to COVID and the company going into bankruptcy, this is great news for Aussies in the US who had their original VA flights canceled. Unsure whether they will be able to get refunds still, but at least when they do start flying again, you will be able to use your existing credit.


QF were expected to start their LAX-SYD route in August, this has now been canceled, checking their schedule, I can’t see any flights until at least November – this is a very sad departure, with new updates to come as they are released.

Qantas has updated their refund policy – so that it is easier to understand and hopefully easier for those whose flights were canceled to get a refund.

Qantas (and Virgin Australia) this week, as expected, suspended all remaining international flights that were in operation in cooperation with the Australian Government (

Qantas and Virgin Australia have re-grounded their remaining international passenger operations after government funding for the handful of overseas routes they were flying came to an end.

Emirates (EK), Etihad (EY) and Qatar (QR)

Please note that all passengers transiting UAE will need to provide negative COVID tests – please check out info on the specific airline for more info.

With no official statement – these airlines anecdotally are bumping economy class passengers from their flights – this is a worrying development, as this really does put people in jeopardy if they can’t afford a biz class ticket. Please contact me before you book any of these airlines and we can look at these options together.

With Emirates, you can now fly direct into PER/SYD/BNE via Dubai.

NYC – BNE – Thursdays only

NYC – PER – Wednesday’s only; DXB – MEL – Tuesday’s, Thursday’s & Friday’s; DXB – SYD – Monday’s, Wednesday's & Saturday’s

ETIHAD – daily connections from NYC – SYD


Questions & Bookings

Do you have any questions? Do you need travel advice? Contact Josh by his email, [email protected]

Josh Engstrom Liberty Travel

This week's video transcript

America Josh: Hi everyone. I'm America Josh, and thanks for tuning in again this week for our chats with Travel Josh Engstrom  from Liberty Travel. G'day, Josh, how are you?

Travel Josh Engstrom: G'day g'day, I'm good. I'm good. Hello, everyone.

America Josh: Let's jump right in. We're going to keep these snappy every week. We're going to make sure we just get the most prudent information as always.

If people want to check out your latest article, you can go to America. forward slash travel. Josh, where. other travel, Josh, it's just knowing with a bit of an update on everything that we talk about today and a few extra details. and if you want to, you can go to that address to submit questions.

So we have had a bunch of questions, but broadly, how are things looking at the travel and flight industry at the moment, Josh?

Travel Josh Engstrom: Yeah, in particular. when we talk about it, flights back to Australia, we did cover it last week that it's very tight and, trying to get a flight home in the next month is, is almost impossible at the moment.

So I had a, a look before I got on the call with you, just to make sure and. I had a look through out September trying to find flights from New York and also from LA, to Sydney. And there's just no availability. There's a few business class seats scattered throughout the month, but that's pretty much it, which is, you know, obviously going to make people feel quite anxious.

if they can't go home and they really need to go home, there are alternatives. So we can discuss those as well.

America Josh: Okay, so for sure. So basically if you are planning sort of the general advice we've got at the moment before we go into some of the details is if you are planning to go back, you need to get onto that as early as possible.

There's a really, you can't delay. Yeah.

Travel Josh Engstrom: At the moment, I'd say at least a minimum six weeks in advance. And then, I'd probably start pushing that as, as far, and getting that booked in as close as soon as.

America Josh: Okay, awesome. we did have a lot of questions around timetables and flight schedules and frequencies.

And so do you want to jump in and give us a few details about what those, you know, you said it's really tight, but how is that looking for an extended period?

Travel Josh Engstrom: Yeah, sure. I did a few schedules and looked up some schedules today. from what I can the, the sched, the current schedules is that we've got at the moment with United and Delta, will be staying quite similar for the foreseeable future.

There is only a couple of days for example, that, you can connect on a flight with United from San Francisco.

America Josh: So that's when the crossover from flying New York San Francisco, is that what you mean? Oh, sorry.

Travel Josh Engstrom: Yeah. Yeah. So there's only a few, a few days where the flight connect without having to do an overnight.

So be on the lookout for those, you don't want to accidentally book a flight. I know when you're going, when people are going through the United side or whatnot, it's easy to not see when it says I'm an overnight stay or something like that, such as a bit really beyond the lookout when you're booking those flights, otherwise, you know, come to an agent or an I can help you.

And then, from what I can see, United, going every day of the week from San Francisco. so that, that service has been going since this all of this COVID. So that's been fantastic. and then, I can also see from LA, Delta, continuing to fly Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

So that's just three days a week from LA. and then, I suppose I could just jump on in there. We did get a question of someone asking about United flights from LA. and I can definitely answer that question as well. so United are going to start flying from LA, from what I can see, they're starting off, just on, Thursdays.

So just one day a week. and then I believe as the schedule goes through October, November, they are looking to increase that. And they're, they're, they're looking to start to build that. so that's a really good sign for the Australians. the only way we're going to be able to get, the current nightmare of trying to get home, from yet from San Francisco, LA is to increase the amount of planes going in the sky.

and that means the Australian government obviously has to increase the quota. So there's a few things that need to happen before they start going back to, regularity. Yeah.

America Josh: Okay. can you tell me, so another question we had around sort of these flight schedules, a few people have obviously started looking into alternatives from the sort of major airlines that, most people are familiar with.

We did have one question from Bondi around how our New York does Sydney flights via Japan through Al Nippon airlines. Is there any feedbacks on being bumped or any feedback in general?

Travel Josh Engstrom: Yeah. I had a look at this, in the scheduling. And from  what I could see, I could only see actually JAL flying. I couldn't see a connection without doing an overnight, through Japan.

but that is an alternative that you can look at. So for JAL, for example, going from New York, you'd leave on a Wednesday and only is flying on a Wednesday. to connect then onto a Thursday flight from Tokyo to Sydney. that's the only one I could find. With Al Nippon when I looked into it, you're actually changing airports in Tokyo.

So you're flying into Narita, but then you're flying out of Haneda. And I would definitely suggest probably not doing that as a, as an alternative, but, I had, I did have a look at the JAL one and the JAL one does connect. If you leave on Wednesday from New York, you then connect on, you can connect on a Thursday flight, from the same airport at Narita.

America Josh: Okay. I'm sorry. Can you just repeat, is it JAL? Just so I can put up

Travel Josh Engstrom: Japan airlines, Japan airlines.

America Josh: Okay. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, no problem. I'll put that, you know, I'm not always familiar with all of the airlines flying.

I love it  another one we had was around Qatar. So, are Qatar flying into Sydney, Adelaide and Perth?

Travel Josh Engstrom: Well, a little bit of breaking news here, Josh, actually, Qatar just announced that they, are quietly not taking any more future, bookings, to Australia. So we can confirm that here right now. So, like you said, that's, that's worrying, especially for people that need to get home in the next three to four weeks, that's gonna be really difficult for them now.

That is sad news, and I can definitely understand it from an airline perspective, Australia, the Australian market and airlines, trying to get into Australia at the moment. It's very tricky, for them because of the way the government has. And I suppose with limited planes, limited pilots, limited staff, they have to and prioritize those markets, where they're going to be able to be okay.

And a little bit more consistent. So, there are alternatives that we can have a look at Cathay Pacific, by Hong Kong. that could be an option, just be careful of Hong Kong at the moment and make sure you're keeping an eye on, you know, they've got a bit of political unrest there at the moment.

So just keep an eye on that. Be wary of that, be cautious. that's safe to be cautious, I think. and also have a look at Singapore airlines as an option because, You know, they're flying into Australia as well.

America Josh: Okay. in general, just as a sweeping question, is there anything else industry-wide that we should keep an eye out on for the upcoming few weeks?

Travel Josh Engstrom: Do you have a little bit of good news? so American airlines has announced that they intend, to stop flying again from LA to Sydney. I did have a look before I got on, just to see if I could find any availability and actually hold some seats and get some pricing on whatnot. And as yet it doesn't look like they have released the scheduling or, have availability to book.

But, it doesn't take too long for an airline to set that up. So if they've announced it, it's definitely a watch your space, a watch this space kind of thing, where, we definitely hope that American airlines resumed their service from LA to Sydney. That would be really good for our wonderful.

America Josh: As we mentioned last week, the sort of to tidy everything up, I know a lot of people are starting to look a bit further into the holiday season. And last week you rated it at a code red. And that people should really stop booking right now. How things looking at the moment? Is that basically the same?

Travel Josh Engstrom: Yeah. Well, I suppose in conjunction with the lack of availability, I just had a look then, and I was still struggling to find any, economy seats into October. by the time you get into October, it's only eight weeks away. So, I definitely start, code code red. Yep. Yeah. If you need to go home for Christmas, so you want to go home for Christmas.

Definitely get that booked.

America Josh: Fantastic. Thank you very much, Josh. We really appreciate you taking the time and we'll see you next week.

Travel Josh Engstrom: See you next week guys, and send any questions through, DM me, DM, Josh, or just, read my blog and there's a little handy, little click and put your question in. So, thanks a lot for your support.

I've had some great feedback. So, look forward to doing this again next week.

America Josh: Fantastic. Thanks everyone. Thanks Josh.

Travel Josh Engstrom: Thanks guys.

Joshua Engstrom

Joshua Engstrom

I now work on Madison Avenue, in the Air Experts team for Flight Centre. We consolidate, group rate and manage the heck out of any and every kind of flight you could possibly think of. We solve problems and send off happy and sad people. We humanize what has become a very transactional process. To get in touch with Josh and ask a question, feel free to contact him via his email [email protected]View Author posts

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