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Green Card Lottery 2025 (DV-2026): Everything you must know

The green card lottery (or the “diversity lottery”) for 2024 (DV-2026) is NOW OPEN. The most important thing to know: There's only one way to legitimately enter. Don't listen to any of the websites out there that say they will give you a special service or a higher chance of winning, it's never real.

So what else is very important to remember about entering the green card diversity lottery?

Is the Green Card lottery 2024 (DV-2026) currently open?

Yes, the entry form opened October 2, 2024.

Our State Department Web site for the 2026 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2026) is now open. The entry submission period for DV-2026 is from 12:00PM EDT (GMT -4) on October 2, 2024 to 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 5, 2024. The entry form will only be available for submission during this period and this period only. Entries will NOT be accepted through the U.S. Postal Service.

The entry form will only be available for submission during this period and this period only. Entries will NOT be accepted through the U.S. Postal Service.

How long are applications for the 2024 Diversity Green Card Lottery (DV-2026) open?

Applications are open for a little over a month between October and November.

Entries close on November 5, 2024.

Where should you enter the DV Green Card Lottery?

Enter only on the official website. There is only one official website for entering the green card lottery:


The official information about DV-2026 can be found at Travel.State.Gov. You should trust this and only this for accurate advice about the lottery (aside from this article, of course).

At every turn, make sure that your website still says “.gov” at the top to ensure that you haven't accidentally found a link to an unofficial site.

Does it matter when you enter the DV lottery?

If you are considering applying for the DV Lottery, apply early to avoid missing out because the website usually experiences issues close to the application period end date due to heavy website traffic.

That being said, your chances do not increase or decrease based on when you apply.

Is it free to enter the Green Card Diversity Lottery?

Yes, it's free to enter the DV Lottery every year. There is never a cost involved to enter the lottery. It does not cost any money to apply for the green card lottery.


How do I fast track my entry or give myself a better chance of winning?

There is no fast-track or any more “reliable” way to get a green card from the green card lottery other than applying on the official site.

There are no tricks, no benefits to entering at a certain time of day, and no benefit to entering at the beginning or end of the process. As long as you enter between the start and finish dates.


Don't lose your DV Confirmation Number!

When you finish applying you will be given a specific DV Confirmation Number which is very important to print, save, and write down.

You will need this number to check your application later, and it's impossible to recover later if you lose it. Send yourself an email with a screeshot and print the PDF and attach that too!

The Confirmation Number is 16 characters long (alphanumeric); the first four characters represent the program year. Example: 20251O0DZWY3DOV9

What does DV-2026 mean? What year does the green card lottery happen?

The lottery is drawn every year. The “DV-2026” lottery means that you will enter in late 2024, and you will find out if you won the lottery in mid-2025 (with interview and entry in 2025/2026).

Yes, it's a slow and long process, but that's just how it is, there's no way to speed things up.

Is the lottery still running this year?

Yes, it is still running as per usual!

What should I consider before entering the Green Card Lottery?

If you do win, and you can now apply to get a Green Card, it's worth considering the HEART Act. In short, if you become a green card holder for more than 8 years, if you ever want to give it up, you might have to pay LOTS of tax. Read more about the HEART Act.

You should also be very aware that may impact your ability to visit the US if you are drawn and then start the Green Card process, and it may impact any visa you are on if you are currently in the US.

Entering the lottery on its own though is not an issue, it's only if your number is drawn and you proceed again later.

Can I enter the Green Card Lottery if I have an E3 Visa?

Yes. It is my understanding that there are no real implications to entering the Green Card lottery, even if you have another visa.

Applying for a green card (if you win) is a whole other story, but simply entering the lottery should not result in any issues with a non-immigrant visa. That being said, it's always best to consult with an immigration attorney before undertaking something like this.

When does the DV-2026 Green Card lottery start?

The DV-2026 Green Card Lottery is now open as of October 2, 2024.

Should you use a lawyer when applying for a green card?

It's a long and windy path, you should use help

The green card process is long and windy, including the application. For the best guide on everything green card be sure to check out BritSimonSays for a step-by-step Green card guide!

Best of luck with your application! I know it's stressful as many people are really keen to get into the U.S. and start their new lives as expats, but be patient, read as much as you can, and consult with an immigration lawyer if you have any serious concerns or queries.

Getting this process wrong, or any immigration process wrong in America can have long-lasting detrimental effects so don't do that.

Which countries cannot apply for the DV Lottery?

Applications depend on the country you were born, not the country you are living in, or the country you are a citizen of. Those born in these countries cannot apply:

  • Bangladesh
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • China (including Hong Kong SAR)
  • Colombia
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • India
  • Jamaica
  • Mexico
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Republic of Korea (South Korea)
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam

Natives of Macau SAR and Taiwan are eligible.

The UK is now eligible to enter the Green Card Lottery.

Read about a DV lottery success story!

To read a story about one of America Josh's readers, check out A Green Card Success Story by an Australian Expat.

The Diversity Green Card Lottery DV-2026 is NOW OPEN!

As a side note, I can also help with:

  1. Getting a credit card in the US (without a credit score)
  2. Transfering money (at a special America Josh rate with a personal introduction if you want it) from overseas with OFX; and
Josh Pugh

Josh Pugh

Josh is a business founding, digital marketing focused, charity driving, community builder from South Australia, living in New York City. After moving in 2017, Josh realized that there was an opportunity to curate and help the community of expats who moved to the United States – and launched America Josh. Josh is also the President of Variety – the Children's Charity of New York, Secretary at The Mateship Foundation, and Founder & CEO at Fortnight Digital.View Author posts

77 thoughts on “Green Card Lottery 2025 (DV-2026): Everything you must know”

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    Timothy G. Samogar

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