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The Ultimate “Just How American Are You?” Quiz

I was driving on the wrong (i.e. correct) side of the road like it was nothing, and my spatial awareness had finally adjusted to the point someone could ride in the passenger seat without occasionally casually saying “YOU’RE TOO FAR RIGHT.”

But then I saw a deer up ahead. I cautiously slowed down. The deer and I met eye to eye. The deer said to me in that stare “you’ve just unlocked the next level of being American”, and sauntered off the road.

Perhaps you’ve had your own similar moment of becoming American in some small or large way. I hope it didn’t involve a deer as deer encounters are often extremely dangerous on the road. But, it was thanks to that deer that this quiz was born.

Behold, the ultimate “Just How American Are You?” Quiz, for Aussies in the US!

Welcome to your How American are you?

What is your current accent status?

Have you driven in America?

What is your current coffee drinking status?

How do you greet people?

How do you dry your clothes?

Count how many of these foods are in your pantry: Mac & cheese, Fruit snacks, Cheerios, Canned pumpkin (leftover from Thanksgiving!), Coffee creamer, Maple syrup, Iced tea, Grape jelly, Old Bay seasoning, Cool Whip

When you go back to Australia, what happens?

In Sports, what teams do you barrack for?

Do you watch the Superbowl?

How would you describe your experience with the American medical system? (which is no joking matter, but if you need encouragement to get / understand your medical insurance, consider this your reminder!)

Micharne Cloughley

Micharne Cloughley

Micharne is a writer for TV and theatre. She hails from the Blue Mountains NSW, and currently lives in Jersey City NJ. Her favourite Aussie words are daggy and mate. Her favorite American words are y’all and Kansas City BBQ.View Author posts

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