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US Taxes & Expat You: A Potential Love Story (US Tax for Australians)

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I teamed up with Amy from Aussies in SF Bay and together we sat and spoke to Jason Stoch from UpTrend Advisory to answer the top questions about U.S. Taxes for expats.

Scroll below to watch the whole thing online and hear a review of the over 150 submitted questions about taxes in the US as an Australian expat!

Here's what people who have watched it have said:

“Wonderful resource – even as a US resident of 20+ years, learnt many new things.” – Melody

“This webinar gave me confidence with knowing what to look out for come tax time. I honestly wouldn't have known about half of those forms & issues to resolve. Thanks to all of you, I learnt so much!” – Alex from Sydney

“The webinars are very useful in providing an overview on expat topics” – Anonymous

“Great webinar, very helpful and informative. Time well used!”

“Definitely worth putting an hour aside to join the session and learn about what to do and what not to do!” – Megan

“Thanks for breaking down complex topics! Great to hear from someone who knows both sides! – Kirsten

“Very useful”

“The webinar was well run & structured. There was an opportunity to submit questions before hand & follow up afterwards. Very helpful. Thanks guys”.-  Carey F.

“Useful. Clear. Excellent organisation!” – Cyndi

“The tax webinar was so helpful! US taxes can be really stressful, so having a Jason as trusted source of information helped clear up a lot of questions I had. Not only did Amy, Josh and Jason go through really common questions on topics like filing status, superannuation/401k and foreign assets, but they also highlighted some of the mistakes that Aussies in the US make when filing their taxes. Super valuable!” – Kaity

Click here to watch online now!

US Taxes for Expats & Australians

Hello and welcome everyone to a us taxes and ex pet you a potential love story. Thank you very much for joining. My name is Josh from New York, originally from Adelaide, and I'm the Josh behind You've probably also seen me commenting all the time on posts on Australians in New York and Australians in America.

America Josh is a website and community to help expats moved to the United States from all over the world. We have useful tips, tricks, and advice, and I run about everything from how to order a sandwich in a New York bodega to tax advice. And that's how I've gotten myself into this webinar. We put this webinar together because just like you, we moved to the US from Australia and amongst everything else, we had to sort in our lives.

We had tax to consider.

And as someone who has absolutely no idea what would what I'm doing at tax time. Uh, I was someone who could have benefited from something like this three years ago when I arrived, the group of us have also spoken to hundreds of Australian ex-pats and had similar questions and we thought that bringing in a professional go out for them was the best way forward.

Sorry. Here's how it's going to work. In the next hour, we'll be going to a range of topics that you've all asked about. We had over 150 questions submitted, and we've divided them into a number of categories, ranging from a really broad overview of tax requirements to questions of tax residency, 401k, superannuation, FBAR, foreign assets, and more.

We've worked hard to try and answer as many of your questions as possible with general advice, and it's applicable to everyone. Amy and I will take it in turns asking questions without resident pro who will take it from there and we'll finish everything up within the hour.

So can I introduce Amy Meyer who will introduce Jason and kick us off!

Josh Pugh

Josh Pugh

Josh is a business founding, digital marketing focused, charity driving, community builder from South Australia, living in New York City. After moving in 2017, Josh realized that there was an opportunity to curate and help the community of expats who moved to the United States – and launched America Josh. Josh is also the President of Variety – the Children's Charity of New York, Secretary at The Mateship Foundation, and Founder & CEO at Fortnight Digital.View Author posts

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