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2025 Emerging Artist Prize – Australian Consulate-General New York

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Have you ever wanted to showcase your art in the heart of New York? Now is your chance to seize the opportunity and apply for the Australian Consulate-General New York's Emerging Artist Prize. The winners will have their works exhibited for three months and benefit from an honorarium to support their project.

The Australian Consulate-General New York offers an amazing opportunity to Australians in New York to show their art work and celebrate their culture in Midtown, New York. While it can be generally difficult to break out and display artistic works, this is an opportunity to connect and leverage the Australian community abroad.

The Emerging Artist Prize is now open to artists who work with hangable 2D artworks of any style, and applications must be in before September 18.

If you've been trying to break your prints, paintings, or other mediums into the New York art scene, this opportunity could be for you.

Zoe, 2023 Emerging Artist Prize Winner

Zoe Wetherall is a professional photographer from Melbourne, Australia, with a unique eye for capturing the beauty and simplicity of architecture and landscapes; and who won the 2023 Emerging Artist Prize.

Zoe’s exhibit, Lines of Nature, features aerial photographs of both Australian and US locations; the photographs are shot from baskets of hot-air balloons in flight, showcasing her two home countries from a very unique vantage point.

I was so excited when I found out I was accepted for the Emerging Artist Prize. Being selected to exhibit my work at the Australian Consulate in New York is a huge honor. I have attended many events there, so to see my work up on the walls was amazing.

It was also so great to be able to share my work and celebrate with the Australian community in NYC. Everyone has been so supportive, and to have my friends and family all together at the opening really meant a lot to me. It has been a wonderful experience, and definitely a highlight of my career so far.

Zoe Wetherall, Emerging Artist Prize Winner 2023

See Zoe's amazing Instagram portfolio and website of her work here.

How to Apply for the Emerging Artist Prize

To apply, or if you have any questions, email [email protected] to receive an application pack. This contains all the information you need to apply and includes details about where to send examples of your work.

Please note that hangable 2D artworks are accepted at this time. Unfortunately we are unable to showcase sculpture, video or performance based works.

Applications Due: August 1st
Applicants Notified: August 15th
Exhibition Opening: October 10th
Exhibition Closes: January 16th

Eligible applicants must reside in any of these Northeastern states in the US: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont.

Applications open for the Australian Consulate-General's Emerging Artist Prize
Josh Pugh

Josh Pugh

Josh is a business founding, digital marketing focused, charity driving, community builder from South Australia, living in New York City. After moving in 2017, Josh realized that there was an opportunity to curate and help the community of expats who moved to the United States – and launched America Josh. Josh is also the President of Variety – the Children's Charity of New York, Secretary at The Mateship Foundation, and Founder & CEO at Fortnight Digital.View Author posts

1 thought on “2025 Emerging Artist Prize – Australian Consulate-General New York”

  1. Hi Josh
    I’m not an emerging artist … let’s say I’ve emerged.
    I was the original Countdown Magazine Photographer in the 80’s and long story short I was in New York in June 1985 … and shot Madonna Wanna Be at Macy’s with Andy Warhol as a judge as well as Madonna’s first steps on The Virgin Tour. I have a definite exhibition to show and would love to make it happen for June 2025 … forty years etc.
    “Once Upon a Time in New York” is a body of work you can view on my website in the 2024 Projects gallery
    I have original stories and notes to compliment
    It’s exciting Cultural Diplomacy and I hope you can steer me towards it’s fruition … perhaps at the Consulate
    I haven’t contacted DFAT … you are my first “port of call”
    Best regards, John

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